Photographer: Gillian Chionh using Fujifilm SP-3000 & Canon EOS 6D Mark II. Fashion Stylist: Rochelle Renwick. Hair Stylist: Jessie Daoud. Makeup Artist: Erin Maie. Model: Lucy Baddeley at Vivien’s.
Silk Laundry Dress and Alias Mae sandals from Perlu, Zara head scarf, Mountain & Moon rings Camilla & Marc Dress from Perlu, Zara boots, Mountain & Moon jewellery Ellery dress from Showroom-X, Mountain & Moon Jewellery, Kurt Geiger shoes Christopher Esber blazer from Showroom-X, Camilla & Marc tank and Luv AJ necklace from Perlu, Nanushka pants, Zara boots, Mountain & Moon jewellery Christoper Esber top, skirt and pants from Showroom-X, Mountain & Moon jewellery, Alias Mae shoes Matin dress and Esse top from Showroom-X, Mountain & Moon jewellery, Kurt Geiger shoes